Har I brug for en professionel senior IT projektleder /agile projektleder, der kan styre et projekt fra start til slut?

Eller er I kommet i en situation, hvor jeres projektet er udfordret og har brug for hjælp til at få leveret i forhold til jeres forventninger og planer?

Med PROJECT by LUSO får I en senior projektleder, der kan drive jeres projekter og/eller forandringsprocesser og sammen med jer skabe succes ved at få projekter i mål


Efter mere end 14 års erfaring som senior projektleder i forskellige internationale virksomheder valgte jeg i 2020 at starte min egen virksomhed PROJECT by LUSO med fokus på ledelse af projekter

Hvorfor freelance projektleder

En freelance projektleder er et værdifuld supplement til din organisation, når du står og mangler en ressource internt med de nødvendige kompetencer for at sikre fremdrift og leverancer i projektet. Intet er mere frustrerende end at lade en hel organisation "stå i stampe" fordi at der ikke er nødvendig fremdrift i projektet. Med en ekstern kan I sikre, at fremdrift og overholdelse af  de aftalte deadlines overholdes

Projekter kan både drives ud fra de klassiske projektmodeller eller fra et Agile setup, da jeg er certificeret og har stor erfaring i begge modeller/setup.

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Lennard Nielsen

Lennard is a Senior Project Manager/ Agile Project Manager with extensive experience of 25+ national and international projects. The projects have gone from medium to large scale enterprise projects with up to 50+ project resources assigned and a strong track record for delivering results.

Very experienced in using agile methodology – primarily with focus on the Scrum model.

The projects have been software development projects with teams split into multi countries. The methodology result in major impact on the “time to marked” and quality in the product

Working with continuous business and process optimization enabled by IT developments is his passion, and an area where he can use his natural drive and engagement to make a difference.

The consultant has gained significant experience and hands-on competence in enabling benefit realization in alignment with the organizational.

Easily adapts to multicultural work environments and with clear communication methodology throughout the organization

Core competencies

Project Management / Project execution

LN is motivated by delivering excellent results on a personal and team level, while keeping a firm focus on business value realization.
To build and maintain strong relationships and use his functional knowledge as both advisor and influencer, successfully bridging IT and business to get buy-in to deliver the needed results


Project Management / Prince2

Many years of experience in using Prince2 methodology which have result in controlled, well-visibility in activities to achieve the desire results.
The methodology have been used in medium to large scale projects in more than 10 years


Project Management / Scrum

Very experienced in using agile methodology – primarily with focus on the Scrum model.
The projects have been software development projects with teams split into multi countries. The methodology result in major impact on the “time to marked” and quality in the product

Project Management / Stakeholder management

Running a successful project requires a high degree of stakeholder management.

LN has the ability to communicate and interact effectively with stakeholders at all levels across the organisation and with varying levels of technical insight

        Example of projects:

        2021 -  Milestone Systems

        Freelance Senior IT project manager for 

        2020 - 2020 Total Produce Nordic AB

        Freelance Senior IT project manager for ERP implementation (M3) in Denmark and Sweden incl development of new transport system and a web supplier management system

        2017 - 2020 Total Produce Nordic AB

        Programme manager for ERP implementation (M3) in Denmark and Sweden incl development of new transport system and a web supplier management system

        2016 DSV A/S

        Senior project manager for a mobility project with responsibility to develop an app (Android and Windows) for the distribution scanning solution and a web interface for maintain of user access

        2015 - 2016 DSV A/S

        Senior project manager for a development of a terminal handling system project. The project should build one solution for handling of terminal booking & planning and another solution (mobile) for terminal scanning

        2014 - 2015 DSV A/S

        Senior project manager for a software development project. Requirements were collected by other projects and handover to this project for development.

        2013  DSV A/S

        Senior project manager The first project in the "CargoLink Way Programme" which is one of the biggest Transport Management system projects in Europe.
        The scope in the project was a huge vendor selection for the software stack, establish the platform incl. governance/guidelines and to build a minor application as "proof of concept"

        2011 - 2012 Statoil Detailhandel A/S

        Project manager for development and implement a solution for "closed cash handling system" for avoid robbery at Statoil Service stations in Denmark

        2008 - 2009 Statoil Detailhandel A/S

        Project Manager for a European project which main delivery was a solution to handle the settlement of credit card and Dankort (for Denmark)


        I have worked together with Lennard on a number of projects and I find that Lennard is a very enthusiastic project manager and that he has the willingness to walk the extra mile for the project.

        Lennard masters all the disciplines in project management and has a fine balance of overview and details. Also Lennard is open for advices and input from the project team – and shows willingness to do changes and adjustments to get a better end result.

        Being a focused and result oriented project manager Lennard do have a surplus of creating a great atmosphere and spirits into the project team.

        Peder Fløe

        Solution Manager

        EG A/S

        “Natural-control” is the phrase that comes to mind when describing Lennard. I have had the pleasure of working with Lennard for the last two and a half year at Total Produce Nordic AB, collaborating in several projects. Projects that all have been included in a business-critical program for ERP system replacement lead by Lennard.

        I’m impressed by Lennard’s ability to manage project sponsors and stakeholders; and thereby the everlasting changes to and demands on projects and the program; without losing focus on reaching the program goal.

        That’s a skill that takes years of experience to develop, but it seemed to come perfectly naturally to him. Therefore, Lennard earns my highest recommendation as a Program Manager.

        Magnus Williamson

        Senior Project Manager

        Cognitio Qullegium AB


        Ring, skriv eller lad os mødes - alt efter hvad der passer dig bedst. Jeg glæder mig til at høre fra dig

        Feel free to to reach out to us - we’d love to talk to you!